Since the marathon that wasn't I've been very lazy with my running. I did the Jingle Bell 8k in Washington, DC. But I'm starting to think about the races for the coming year.
It's looking good. If for no other reason because my Nike Women's Half lottery luck has turned for the better. I got into the inaugural Nike Women's Half in Washington, D.C. TK said the San Francisco one was very crowded when she ran it, so I'm preparing for that. Still, the little blue boxes should make it worthwhile....or at least I hope.
The other run that I have signed up for this year is the Dingle Half Marathon. I'm very excited about this. Aside from the fact that I've never been outside of Dublin, the course looks beautiful. And Guiness makes everything better.
Otherwise, in February I'm running the Gridiron Classic. And I'm leaning towards running NYC marathon in 2013. But I've still got time to decide on that one.
Happy Running!