A Park Ranger once stopped me and T from running those 40 feet. Another place you're not supposed to run is up the steps of the Lincoln Monument, where T and I ran past just a couple of weeks ago. It was early morning, there were only a few tourists around, and there were even two security guard looking types at the top. And of course, there were other runners, some of whom were running down the steps. T and I took this opportunity to run up! It was fun. A very Rocky moment at the top where we lifted our arms, and in my case, the Rocky theme song was going through my head. (Getting Stronger, not Eye of the Tiger) And it was a great moment. The sun was going through the columns in such a way that it illuminated good ol' Abe, but left the the sides in the shade.
I've been focused so much on the running part of this blog, you might have forgotten why I actually started running in the first place....to eat! I did some baking today and that shall be my next post.
As for whether I ran the other day or not. The answer is here.
Oooh! I look forward to hearing about the baking!