Nov 21, 2011

Ending on a High Note

I ran the Philadelphia Half Marathon for a charity, Best Buddies PA, this year. I'd never done that before. To be honest, the idea of asking people for money has always been difficult for me. But I thought, running for a charity would be a great way to end my 13.1 year. And it was all that and more. The people who worked for the organization were great, and the volunteers and kids that are buddies or get a buddy were wonderful as well.  The night before the race, Best Buddies PA hosted a dinner and some of the students spoke and it was really moving. I'm glad I did it.

Now onto the race. I got there the day before and get to hang out for a bit with ML and his friends R and J. There was one funny thing at the expo that R noted. If you predicted a 4 hour finish you got a corral all to yourself! Everyone else had a stretch of time 2:00:00 - 2:29:59, etc. but 4 hours was just 4 hours. Anyway, after we got our packets we went across the street to Reading Terminal Market and grabbed a sandwich - deli for them, while I went with a Philly Cheesesteak. It was warm enough for us to eat outside.

The race itself was good. I got to start right in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum, i.e. the steps that Rocky runs up and raises his hands in victory at. There were lots of yelling "Adriane" at the start and people taking pics like the one below.

it was a crowded and took me over 17 minutes to get to the start, but at the start I, and several other runners, got a high-five from the Mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter. It was crowded for the first 4-5 miles, I think because we were in downtown Philly. We got to run through some historic areas, past Betsy Ross's house, the building where the Liberty Bell is housed (and one person was dressed as the bell - it gave me an idea of next halloween), City Hall (where Occupy Philadelphia was camped out) , Constitution Hall, and the Zoo. It really was a great way to see what the city has to offer in 2 hours 22 minutes and 35 seconds.

All in all, it was a great way to end my racing season.

I forgot to turn off the garmin after I crossed the finish line. I think I was just happy to be done. I finally remembered when I got to the food line.

Nov 19, 2011

Next Up: Number 13

I'm headed to my last half marathon of the year today. I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to have fun and enjoy it. Savor it, if you will. I would like to finish between 2:20 and 2:15, but who knows. I did a couple of short runs this week, but for the most part I've taken most of it off.

The last time I was in Philly, I had a great time at the race and a great time in the city. MLJ won't be there, but this time ML will be. Still, I'm looking forward to eating I will do: cheesesteak at Redding Market and I would like to hit the Dandelion again. Wish me luck!

Nov 10, 2011

Post-Marathon Blues

So, aside from the whole no official time thing, I'm kind of sad that it's over. You work towards something for about a year and then, poof, it's over.

I've been taking the week off to recover. I thought I might try and run today, to help with the post-marathon blues, but instead I'm going to go for a walk in the park.

I'm one race away from my 2011 resolution. And I've been asking myself: then what? I know I'm going to run NYC marathon next year - where I'll wear the bib on my torso, outermost layer and (hopefully) finish in under 4:30. But otherwise, I'm drawing a blank. I'm thinking of taking up something besides running...surfing, maybe? Anyone have suggestions?

Nov 7, 2011

The 2011 ING NYC Marathon

Well, my legs are sore, but I'm about to go test them out on a walk. But before, I do, I thought I'd post my 2011 NYC Marathon experience for you all to see. Yes, see. I knew that I wasn't going to PR on this run (read the lowering expectations post) and decided to have fun. I took lots of pictures, some of which I sent into work. But I also got some sound. So I'm going to subject you all to an audio slideshow of my NYC Marathon experience. There was some great energy on the course, and I even saw some people I knew along the way, who cheered me on! That was fun and gave me a boost. But people were giving out swedish fish, chocolate, cookies and wipes along the course. It was really great. It was also challenging. I really didn't train as hard or as much as I should have. And the late start really did effect me. I need to learn how to eat before I run. 

Now, I've sent in an email to the marathon organizers about my no results. I really think the bib didn't register. I'm somewhat disappointed, but there is always next year. I would like to finish a marathon - this one in particular - in under 4:30.

I know, I know, I said NYC would be my last, but if I run it again, it will be my last!

Nov 6, 2011

5 Boroughs, 5 Bridges and 26.2 miles

I finished the ING NYC Marathon! It was a fun race, and I'll write about it later. My Garmin had me finishing in 5:16:26. I'm a little concerned because my official race results are not up - even though the scores of people behind me are up. Hmmmm.
I have a sinking suspicion that the bib tag failed me. Anyway, here's the info from the Garmin.

Nov 4, 2011

NYC Marathon: Packet Pick-Up

I went to packet pick-up this morning. I got there just after it opened and the line was long and snaking. But I got in got my bib in about 15 minutes time. The race shirt was nice - a blue, long sleeved shirt with all 5 boroughs named on it. But I couldn't stop myself - there were some other cute shirts that I bought. Yes, now I have a selection of NYC Marathon race shirts.
The official race shirt is on the bottom. The NY Apple shirt says 26.2011.

Nov 2, 2011

Lululemon's Port-a-Potty Window Display

I thought it was funny and very appropriate for Marathon Week!

Countdown to the 2011 NYC Marathon

I did a short run through Central Park this morning - the lower loop. I wanted to familiarize myself with the last few miles of the course, which I know will be the toughest for me. As you might know, there was a snowstorm that blew through this past weekend and did a lot of damage to the Park. As many as 1,000 trees were damaged.
They've put all the cleared branches to the side of the road, but it goes for quite a bit. Along Central Park South, it really does change the view from the Park. Anyway, I kept trying to imagine what I'd be feeling like at miles 24 and 25, and part of the reason I wanted to run this portion, besides keeping my runs this week short, was to really prepare myself for when I do hit miles 24 and 25. I figure at that point in the run I'll be bargaining with myself, and it's much easier for me to do when I know what's up ahead, to know that when you think you're turning to the finish, you're really not, you've still got about half a mile until you turn into the finish. I'm preparing myself mentally... until I see this:
(except I imagine it will be much more crowded). Then I will be very, very, very happy! It was fun to see the race preperation. They even built a walkway over the course on the 72nd street traverse. Now, I think it would cruel, though, to make marathoners walk up 2 flights of stairs and then down 2 flights to cross the street. I'm hoping that's for spectators. One scary thought, though, is I read it will take an hour from crossing the finish to getting out of the park. This marathon will be a full day event!. I just hope I won't need one of these at the end.

Nov 1, 2011

Garmin, You Served Me Well

My Garmin has died. Nothing I try gets it to work again. It had a short, but eventful life and went with me on many, many runs and races.