Feb 19, 2013

‘Excuse Me, Is There a Remedial Spinning Class?’

Soul Cycle. There is a cult surrounding this spinning studio. I happened to live about a block and a half from one, and in trying to mix up my exercise regime, took a class.

First thing to know, this is a spinning class where you need biking shoes. Yes, I mean the clip in shoes. No one told me how to actually clip in, but I managed. And then I started spinning away. But it wasn’t just pumping the legs away. There are moves in this class and you have to be coordinated enough to spin and do the moves together. Turns out I’m not that coordinated. I left the class in my socks, since I couldn’t get the clips out. A spinner next to me leaned over and told me to just take off the shoes and get off the bike that way. I left wondering if there was a beginner class.

I took a second class today, hoping it would help. It didn’t. I left halfway through. I couldn’t hear what the instructor was saying and I just felt so uncoordinated and bad at this. I left the class and actually asked if there is a beginner class. There isn’t. It’s just something you’re supposed to get better with over time. Let’s face it patience is not a virtue I possess in great quantity. They did give me list of instructors that help newbies like me.  But it was still discouraging.

As much as I liked the cardio aspect of the class – and I was sweating throughout and my legs were sore the next few days after the first class – I hate being so bad at it.  I could see why so many people like this studio. It is a workout – core, arms and legs.

Maybe third time will be the charm.

Feb 18, 2013

Running in the Cold

I don't mind running in cold weather. In fact, I prefer it over hot, humid summer weather.  It may take more time for me to warm up and get into a groove, but I do....eventually.  This morning, it was about 20 degrees when I went out. But the sun was out and it wasn't too windy, so off I went.  I even did a different route; I went north to the 102nd street transfer, and then headed south on the west side. Instead of going down to the 72nd street transfer, I decided to run the loop around the Great Lawn.

It also helped loosen up the legs. On Saturday, I went skiing at Camelback. The first time, this year, that I got to go ski. My legs weren't too bad after, but on Sunday, I was feeling it. But it was worth it.

All in all, I nice President's Day weekend